30 december 2013



1. Bill Callahan - Dream River

2. Scout Niblett - It's up to Emma

3. Kanye West - Yeezus

4. Arcade Fire - Reflektor

5. Kurt Vile - Waking on a pretty Daze

6. Julia Holter - Loud City Song
7. Laura Marling - Once I was an Eagle
8. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Push the sky away
9. Alela Diane - About Farewell
10. Earl Sweatshirt - Doris

10 december 2013

New books

Books, prints and postcards by Ward Zwart, John Broadley, Geran Knol & Lie Dirkx, Erin Jane Nelson, Atelier Bingo, Geran Knol, Ward Zwart & Laura Geurten, Aisha Franz, Gemma Correll, Paul Paetzel, Dansleciel Toutvabien and Frédéric Coché 
(Thank you Grafixx!)

Close to a mountain (postcards series)

Made this series of riso-printed mountains. If you want some, let me know!
4 different drawings / 17,5 x 11,5 cm / 1,5 euro/card + shipping

08 december 2013

Rekto Verso / ABSoluut

Illustrations for this month's editions of Rekto Verso and ABSoluut magazine.

29 november 2013

Log Cabins

New story and silkscreen zine about wood and dancing. I made this short story some time ago, but turned it into 16 silkscreened pages. There are 50 copies, if you want one for 12 euro/zine (+shipping), let me know! --> marthaverschaffel(at)gmail(dot)com.

27 oktober 2013

new books

New books! "Tiny aan zee", a book about house plants, "Haais & Gaai II" by Ward zwart & Ignace Cami, "---schikken: kunst en plezier"by Eva Vermeiren, the Spirou-catalogue, "Photographs" by Stine Sampers, "Dos à dos" by Ephameron and Isabelle Vandenabeele and "It Chooses you by Mirandy July. 

24 oktober 2013


The "Spirou 75" exhibition opened last night in The Seed Factory in Brussels. The works in the exhibition are interpretations of the comic character Spirou, to celebrate its 75-years anniversary. 

You can see my contribution together with those by John Broadley, Loic Gaume, Korneel Detailleur, Ever Meulen and many more until the 31th of december in The Seed Factory, Vrijwilligerslaan 19, Brussels. 

11 oktober 2013

tlön, uqbar, orbis tertius

"Graphic And: A framed Utopia" is a group show, running in Breda until the 27th of october, hosted by Electron and Ephameron. With great works by Louis Reith, Hedof, Merijn Hos, Martha Verschaffel, Ward Zwart en Ignace CamiEva Mundorff, Thijs Kelder and Ephameron.

I did my own hand drawn version of Jorge Luis Borges' short story "Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius". A weird story about an encyclopedia, a cone and reversing things.

 I made a few copies of the book, as a zine. (You can get them in the expo-shop.)


Rekto Verso

My contribution for the 10th anniversary edition of Rekto:Verso. 

17 september 2013

Close to a mountain

My new series "Close to a mountain" will be shown in the group show "Aimer Penser Créer" in Ampersand Gallery. The exhibition, that places contemporary Belgian design, art and craftsmanship in dialogue with Dutch and other European mid-century design, opens tomorrow, and runs until the 14th of december 2013. 

Come and see it in Ampersand House/Gallery in Brussels (Rue Tasson Snel 30), open from thursday to saturday from 13h to 18h. 


21 augustus 2013

Sans Soleil #3

The new issue of Sans Soleil (#3) is out. This time it's a collection of drawings about folk/outsider art, by artists with and/or without formal art training. 

My (very) short comic about porcelain dogs is included in the book, next to contributions by Laura Geurten, Park Pardon, Louis Reith, Aleksandra Waliszewska and my cousin Jef (see picture above). And a lot of others of course. See more or get one here

11 juni 2013


Publication by the new collective Sorryklaas. 
It's a series of illustrations based on the Rorschach spots. On the photos you can see the contributions by Laura Bergans (photo 2), myself (photo 3), Nina Vandeweghe and Shanna Coppens (photo 4) and Gerard Herman and Sarah Vanbelle (photo 5). 

More info on the Sorryklaas facebook page.

26 mei 2013

Gonzo (circus) #115

Illustrations for an article in Gonzo (circus) # 115 about concerts sponsored by multinationals. 

21 april 2013


Some drawings of my first zine 'Alma Mater' are published in the book "Generositeit", a book with essays and drawings/photos from writers, philosophers and artists, collected/edited by Marc Verminck & Johan Van Looveren.

'Generositeit' een essayistisch-artistiek werkstuk

Generositeit gaat over generositeit in al haar gestalten en betekenissen. In woord en in beeld. Dit essayistisch-artistiek werkstuk is een ‘Gesamtwerk’ van schrijvers allerlei (romanciers, filosofen, antropologen, psychoanalytici enz.), van kunstenaars en van vormgevers.
Met bijdrages van:
Barbara Verstraete, Herman De Dijn, Mathieu V. Staelens, Stefan Hertmans, Marc De Kesel, Geert Goiris & Ortwin de Graef, Willem Elias, Peter Jacquemyn, Berlinde De Bruyckere & Caroline Lamarche, Fons Van Coillie, Hubert Dethier, Wis Jacobs, Marc Verminck, Rinus Van de Velde, Mark Kinet, Ger Groot, Philippe Van Parijs, Johan Leman, Antoon Vandevelde, Thierry De Cordier, Sammy Ben Yakoub & Edith Doove, Layla Aerts & Katrien Vanderbiest en Martha Verschaffel

'Generositeit' kost 26,95 EUR. Het boek wordt te koop aangeboden in de betere boekhandel en op de campus Sint-Lukas Brussel.

Meer info hier

10 april 2013

De vrolijke brigade (expo)

We went to an exhibition about Russian children's books in The Hague. A lot of wonderful books and a great expo, still running until June in Huis Meermanno. 

06 april 2013

still snow

there was still snow in the Ardennes

24 maart 2013

gonzo (circus) #114

Illustrations for the new Gonzo (circus). It goes along with a very interesting article about free jazz by Guy Peters

17 maart 2013

West Coast comic

The West Coast comic is printed! It's a 44-page travel diary from our trip to the US last summer (with English subtitles). The zine is 6 euro, if you want one, just pick a colour and let me know!

07 februari 2013

west coast comic

I made a comic about our trip to the US this summer. Here are some pages, but maybe I could make a zine of this one.

30 januari 2013

Invited to invite XL

Expo "Invited to Invite XL" - A group expo with Belgian and international illustrators, organized by Gudrun Makelberge. The show will run from 16 march until 21 april in CC Ter Dilft, Bornem. Everyone is welcome on the opening on the 16th of march!